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Man made to pose with naked woman inside Delhi hotel, slapped, extorted for money

In a troubling event that unfolded in Delhi’s Paharganj area, a group of thugs barged into a man’s hotel room and robbed him. The incident came to light when a user and journalist named Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj shared the story on a social media platform. According to her account, the thugs forcefully entered the man’s room, slapped him, and demanded money.

Bhardwaj recounted the ordeal in a tweet, stating, “Received a distress call from a friend. Her colleague, visiting Delhi for a conference near Paharganj, opted for a budget hotel to store his luggage while attending the event. Upon returning to retrieve his belongings, a group of 4-5 thugs, accompanied by a woman who undressed immediately, stormed into his room. Before he could comprehend the situation, he was subjected to physical assault by these individuals.”

She went on to explain, “They proceeded to take photographs of him with the woman and issued threats of publicizing them if he spoke out. He was coerced into paying 15,000 rupees to secure his release. Despite the ordeal, he refrained from reporting the incident to the authorities, fearing potential involvement of the police. Instead, he complied with their demands and hastily departed.”

This incident echoes a pattern of reluctance among victims to report crimes. In another instance, a woman from Bengaluru shared her harrowing experience of being sexually harassed by a man. She detailed the incident on a social media platform and even posted a video of the perpetrator, who concealed his identity.

However, despite the distressing encounter, the woman opted against filing a formal complaint. “I am unable to lodge an FIR due to the daunting prospect of the legal process,” she expressed in her post. “The thought of enduring numerous court proceedings and associated challenges was overwhelming, as suggested by my neighbors who came to my aid.”

These accounts shed light on the complexities and barriers faced by individuals when attempting to seek justice after experiencing criminal activities. The fear of reprisal, intimidation, and the arduous legal procedures often dissuade victims from pursuing formal avenues for redressal, highlighting the need for improved support mechanisms and reforms in the justice system.

SC allows abortion of 30-week foetus: What is the law on abortions, and what does the court consider?

Late abortions have sometimes been allowed in certain situations in the past, while in other cases, they have been denied. India’s law on abortion, known as the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTP Act), is generally seen as giving women the right to choose and is considered liberal. However, there have been instances where women have sought permission from the courts for abortions later in their pregnancies, indicating a potential gap in the law.

Recently, the Supreme Court of India made headlines by permitting a 14-year-old girl, who was a victim of sexual assault, to terminate her pregnancy, which was almost 30 weeks along. The Chief Justice of India, D Y Chandrachud, leading the Bench, described it as a “very very exceptional case” where the girl needed protection.

The decision was influenced by a report from a hospital in Mumbai, which stated that continuing the pregnancy could harm the physical and mental health of the young girl. This case brings to light the complexity surrounding late-term abortions and the legal considerations involved.

India’s MTP Act, established in 1971, outlines the circumstances under which abortion is permitted:

  1. Up to 20 weeks of pregnancy, termination is allowed based on the recommendation of one doctor.
  2. In pregnancies between 20 to 24 weeks, abortion is allowed under certain exceptions, but only after evaluation by two registered medical practitioners.
  3. Section 3B of the MTP Act specifies seven categories where termination is permitted, including cases of statutory rape involving minors, sexual assault, and situations where there is a change in marital status during pregnancy.
  4. After 24 weeks of pregnancy, termination can only be allowed if there is substantial fetal abnormality, and a medical board at approved facilities must make the decision.

Despite these regulations, there have been instances where courts have allowed abortions beyond the stipulated period. For example, in February of this year, the Supreme Court refused a 26-year-old woman’s request to terminate her 32-week pregnancy. On the other hand, in August 2023, the court allowed a rape survivor to terminate her pregnancy at 27 weeks and three days.

The issue of fetal viability, or the ability of a fetus to survive outside the womb, has also been a point of contention. While India’s law leans towards a woman’s right to choose, there are discussions about balancing the rights of the unborn child. This balance is crucial, especially concerning cases where late-term abortions are considered.

In some instances, courts have overturned decisions made by medical boards regarding abortion. For instance, in the case of ‘Bhatou Boro v. State of Assam’ in 2017, the Gauhati High Court overruled a medical board’s refusal to allow termination of a pregnancy of over 26 weeks involving a minor rape survivor.

Comparisons have been drawn between India’s abortion laws and those of other countries, particularly the United States. The US Supreme Court’s landmark decision in ‘Roe v Wade’ established abortion as a constitutional right, allowing it up to the point of fetal viability. However, there are criticisms that using fetal viability as a benchmark for abortion may be arbitrary, given advancements in medical science.

Critics argue that India’s law shifts the decision-making power regarding abortions after 20 weeks to doctors rather than women themselves. This aspect of the law has not been extensively challenged in court, but the increasing number of cases where women seek legal intervention late in their pregnancies highlights a potential gap in legislation.

Overall, India’s legal framework on reproductive rights tends to prioritize a woman’s autonomy in decision-making regarding abortion. However, ongoing debates and legal challenges indicate the need for a nuanced approach that considers both the rights of women and the interests of the unborn child.